Is there
a way
At a symposium on the subject of conspiracy narratives, Johanna describes the story of her twin brother Sebastian and mentally travels to the place where he was lost to her. It is the farm “Zur hellen Sonne” – a place on the border between alternative ideas of life and a world full of conspiracies. It quickly becomes clear that nothing here is as it seems. Prejudices need to be balanced and one’s own opinion scrutinised. What is and must be covered by freedom of expression and what poses a threat to our political system?
Following their highly successful production of “Dunkeldorf” last year, which made it onto the shortlist for the Theatertreffen 2024, in “Schaf sehen.” director Christof Seeger-Zurmühlen and author Juliane Hendes explore conspiracy theories and their impact on our living together. How do you talk to someone who can no longer be reached with arguments? How do you react when loved ones spread theories that range from false to completely absurd? A part of the population has already rejected democratic discourse – are we at the point where our form of society is in danger? And if so, is there a way back?
Following its successful four-part cycle “Historification” and its examination of Nazi crimes in Düsseldorf, the Pièrre.Vers theatre collective’s latest productions deal artistically with events of right-wing violence and threats to democracy in Germany, for which it has received top funding from the state of NRW, among others.
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A production by theaterkollektiv Pièrre.Vers in co-production with the asphalt Festival and the Düsseldorf Festival, funded by Fonds Darstellende Künste, the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of NRW, the Kunststiftung NRW, the Landeszentrale für politische Bildung des Landes NRW, the Kulturamt Düsseldorf, the Kunst- und Kulturstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf, the BürgerStiftung Düsseldorf and the Stiftung van Meeteren
with Anna Magdalena Beetz, Julia Dillmann, Azizè Flittner, Daniel Fries, Jonathan Schimmer, Alexander Steindorf, Sandra Zawada, Claudia and Matilda Bellm and Willi Mannheim
Director, concept: Christof Seeger-Zurmühlen
Set, costume: Susanne Hoffmann
Text, dramaturgy: Juliane Hendes
Composition and sound design: Bojan Vuletić
Sound: Sandra Zawada, Roberto Alessio
Lighting: Philippe Waldecker
Technical advice: Hans-Jürgen Müller
Technical assistance: Halgir Abdulkareem
Production assistance: Nastasia Radtke
Internship: Mika Ludwig:
Production management: Melissa Müller